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Learn Profit Swings in GTO Poker Strategy to Max Your Profit

Learn Profit Swings in GTO Poker Strategy to Max Your Profit

Let’s see what we can do to have a positive EV and make the standard deviation of it small enough to be neglected. In short, we are trying to find a way to maximize our average poker profit. We will be checking out profit swings in poker.

Profit Swings in GTO Poker Strategy Game Introduction

Those who have been following our articles should know that we’ve briefly talked about three poker strategies: long ball, small ball, and GTO poker strategy.

We’ve also covered the parts about where the profit swing comes from and how to manage it in the range where we can accept it. So today’s article will be to explore the options we have while facing the exploit players and GTO poker players.

Let’s see what we can do to have a positive EV and make the standard deviation of it small enough to be neglected. In short, we are trying to find a way to maximize our average poker profit. We will be checking out profit swings in poker.

Learn Profit Swings in GTO Poker Strategy to Max Your Profit

Profit Swings in Poker:  Exploit Strategy

Since the idea of exploitation is to extract the most positive from the members considered as conservative on the table, the first thing we need to do is limit the players in the pot.

So the line of actions normally starts with raising the target player’s bet. That way we may isolate them from the other competitors. It also gives us an edge over our target since we will be taking control most of the time.

Then we may start to take advantage of the capped hand range of our players since it will be easier for us to list out the possible hands that our target might have with his actions. We will be betting most of the time when they check on the flop or turn so that we may extract the max value of their draws and one-pair-type of hands.

However, the profit swings in poker may widen here since we may have to pay our target if they hit their combo draws. So we have to be extra careful with their check-raises since it might be the signal indicating our target's hands just got extremely strong.

Sometimes, our target may even figure out that they have become the target of our exploit strategy and start to take advantage of our folds to their check-raises. Furthermore, they may even know that we will have to call with some medium hands and make some big-size river bets to extract maximum value from us.

Therefore we need to be aware of the actions our target has taken with our bets and make a move when we see any signs of danger. That way we keep our profit swings in poker small.

GTO Poker Profit Swings

The last poker strategy we will be talking about is the GTO poker strategy. To be honest, the profit swings in poker’s condition of GTO should be a standard model that has a mean that’s closest to our EV. It’s because GTO is a strategy based on the hand range and the win rate of every position on the poker table and it shares some important concepts of the game theory itself also. Therefore it should be the optimal strategy.

Nevertheless, it’s impossible to have a perfect standard model that fits with our EV due to the users of this strategy, which is us.

The players on the table, including us, are all human beings. Therefore we may act out of various uncontrollable variables and factors. The strategies need to be adjusted based on the information we acquired over the hands we have played because it reveals different tendencies of our opponents. If we don’t adjust then we might fall into a wrong routine and it may cost us a fortune. The profit swing in the GTO poker strategy would be huge, especially the downswing part.

In fact, no matter which poker strategy we choose to use on the poker table, we ought to know the potential swings this strategy may bring to our bankroll and we need to estimate whether we can live with it or not. To be able to profit in the long term, knowing our weaknesses and strengths should always be our first step.

That’s all for today’s sharing about profit swings in poker. We will have more hand-sharing articles and poker news in the future. See you next time.

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