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9 Secret Texas Hold'em Poker Tips: From Pro Dealers(P1)

9 Secret Texas Hold'em Poker Tips: From Pro Dealers(P1)

Today we will be sharing some secret Hold’em skills that are not commonly seen on the table. It has to do with some bankroll management concepts and some understanding between the hands and the board's relationships. This will help you build a clear Hold’em game logic so you won’t panic in the game anymore.

9 Secret Texas Hold'em Tips From Pro Dealers(P1) Game Introduction

Today we will be sharing some secret Hold’em skills that are not commonly seen on the table. It has to do with some bankroll management concepts and some understanding between the hands and the board's relationships. This will help you build a clear Hold’em game logic so you won’t panic in the game anymore.

9 Secret Texas Hold'em Poker Tips: From Pro Dealers(P1)

I have been dealing with Texas Hold’em for quite a long time. The secret skills I’m sharing today are the ones I saw the pros using in the games. Stay tuned and take some notes.

Bankroll Management!

One needs to be familiar with all the terms, concepts, skills, and strategies to play well in Hold’em. All the game strategies start with good bankroll management. Knowing how much you bring to the game will affect your raise size, your hand selection, and the profit you may gain while you are all in.

So what’s the proper amount we should bring to the game? Well, there are no fixed answers since each player uses a different strategy. So we should set a target amount of profit and stop loss before we decide how much we should bring in.

The other parts we need to take into consideration are the estimated playing time and the temple we are playing. The estimated playing time is the time we can play in the game sharp. Since Hold’em is not like Baccarat, Blackjack, and roulette while one only has to wait for the result, we are playing against the opponents so we need to shift from aggressive to passive from time to time. We might even have to bluff for some time as well. So we have to take these all into consideration to decide how much we should bring to the game.

Advanced Hand Selection

Secret Hold’em skill 2: Advanced Hand Selection!

If you have read our article on 8 Advanced Hold’em Techniques, then you have a basic understanding of hand selection. The second skill I’m sharing here is a classified detail set for the players. No other players may know it from other places. Playing like this will make you seem unpredictable from other players’ perspectives.

The concept I’m sharing here is that there’s no good or bad hand in a game. Some may say that well Aces have a higher win rate compared to other random cards, so aren’t Aces the better hands? True, if we are only looking at the strength of the initial hand, then Aces is stronger than other random cards. Though Hold’em is a game in which we have to combine our hands to the board cards, so even 2,3 unsuited may beat Aces while the flop was dealt.

I will share with you some hand selections that the pros are using. There’s a common logic with the hand selection is that I might not play the hands others play, and I might play the hands the others didn’t play. This kind of choice will make you unpredictable.

I classified these into three different categories, which are pairs, suited, and connectors. Regulars normally play with pairs of Aces, Ks, and Qs with early positions. Js are playable in middle or late positions. As for suited cards, we can have a higher range of playing since once the flop gives us a flush draw, it means we will have a chance to form flush and beat the other players. Same concept as the connectors, although straight aren’t stronger than flush, we can still beat sets and pairs, by paying only a small amount of blinds.

Advanced Raising Skills

Secret Hold’em Skill 3: Advanced Raising Skills

As we mentioned before, raising is a deep concept in Hold’em. If we lay out all the raising strategies and the logic behind them, this article may be as long as “Super System” written by the legendary Doyle Brunson. So instead of telling you what to do for raising, we should tell you why we should be raising. I will use a strategy for an example of how we should be raising and you can apply it to different scenarios of yours. Those who haven’t read the article on 55 Texas Hold’em terms need to read it first because there will be several terms of poker I will be using in the later example.

Let’s start with the strong hand selection as an example. There’s a skill in Hold’em called “check raising”. It means checking in our first round and when others bet or raise behind us, we raise the bet again to increase the pot size for others to fall into our traps. Say I have Ks and the flop comes 2, 5, 7. I have a high possibility of beating the other opponent’s hand unless they hold pairs of 2,5,7 or 25,27,57.

However, if we bet big, then those who are not strong enough to call will fold. We would be winning only the amount the players put in pre-flop. So instead of doing that, we do a check-raising for them to fall into our trap. Those who only hold 7, 5, or 2 calls are the ones we are waiting for. As long as the board didn’t pair in the turn and river, we should be able to take down a decent pot.

Through doing a check-raise, we can get an observation of how our opponents are dealing with the condition. To win, we need to know the details of how things can be turned against us. We should be folding while we sense something wrong instead of gambling with our entire stake with luck. Doing so might not make us win every time. though we will be able to handle all the situations we encounter. The more we learn about the game, the more advanced we become in it.


That’s all for today. All the secret skills the following episode shares are all advanced concepts. We are afraid that you might not be able to learn all at once so we separate it into three episodes. If you wish to know more, please stay tuned. Thank you all for today and I will see you next time.

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